Cristiano Ronaldo’s mum disapproves of marrying Georgina Rodriguez


Manchester: Dolores Aveiro, mother of Portuguese skipper Cristiano Ronaldo had been reportedly claimed to be against the unison of her son and his girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez.

Ronaldo is seemed to have a very healthy love life with Georgina Rodriguez , along with a family life including his children Cristiano Junior, Mateo , Eva and Alana, a daughter that the pair had together.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina with their children.

Georgina had affirmed before that she is awaiting a marriage proposal, however Ronaldo’s family would be hugely upset lest that happens.

Dolores is reported to believe that Georgina is driven by economic reason and wants to take advantage of her son’s money , and that is her only motive behind the relation. Her other children share the same views with her. The opposition from Ronaldo’s side seems to be really strong.

Although Dona Dolores had previously stated that she shares a good bond with Georgina and appreciates the effort she lays out for her son.

Dona Dolores seen with Ronaldo and Georgina.

Ronaldo is known to be really keen on his mother’s words, and had previously even ended relationships , that made his mother upset. However, it will be a good wait to see what the Manchester United does.